


I was way too excited to go to Versailles, but I was also worried it wouldn't live up to my expectations. But it did. It really did. I was also way too excited to wear my rococo skirt I got from SheInside. Side note on SheInside--it's cheap and kind of makes me suspicious but sometimes I find things I just can't resist, like this skirt. And it's actually excellent quality, so I was pleased. So I wore my skirt that definitely pegged me as an excited tourist, and we set off. When we got there, the entire front of the palace was mobbed. I was so nervous that we wouldn't be able to get in. But the best tip I can give you is to to the gardens first. We walked the gardens as I pretended to be Marie Antoinette looking over my grounds, complaining about the riff raff. We went all the way out to her farmhouse--which did not disappoint even my greatest expectations after the Sophia Coppola film. I thought it was hilarious that their vacation home is still within walking distance, but the estates were gorgeous. I have to say I would make the same place for myself if I were rich. It was amazing. So by the time we got back to the palace it was 5:30 PM. There was no line. "THE BIGGEST HEIST" we proclaimed as we thwarted the system. We even got to stay to see the Hall of Mirrors with no one in it. So Versailles, ya did me good. 

Wearing: Skirt - SheInside // Top - Brandy Melville // Necklace - Gorjana via Rocksbox


  1. So, so, so gorgeous!! Versailles is one of my top 5 places I want to see!! I'm obsessed with everything Marie Antoinette!! These pictures are beautiful and I love that skirt, it kind of looks like a painting that would be hung up there or somewhere else fancy! :)

  2. Sooo beautiful it's ridiculous. I wish they still made buildings like this. Awesome skirt too! xx

  3. Beautiful place!! And such lovely travel pics. Loving your outfit btw :)
