

Park Güell

I don't know, I guess I am going backwards in time now? Barcelona was our last stop on our journey, but I wanted to post these photos before other ones because I was so excited about them. Cocomont Vintage Shop sent me on my trip with this amazing dress and I was so excited to photograph it in just the right place. And that place is Park Güell in Barcelona. I've been wanting to see Gaudi architecture for so long, and I finally did! This dress just made me feel like art in a land of art. It was awesome. I have other things to say about Barcelona--and like a whole two weeks of traveling that I haven't even mentioned yet--but for now I just want to show off the most badass dress I own.

Wearing: Dress -- Cocomont Vintage // Shoes -- Simply Vera // Ear Climbers and Necklace -- Gorjana via Rocksbox


  1. Wow wow wow - that dress is to DIE for! Like I'd steal that from you if I ever had the opportunity ;)
    Also, agreed, perfect place for those photos. Gaudi is so strange and dreamy and I love these photos! Hope you had the best time ever in Barcelona!

  2. Gahhh wow the dress is stunning! A beautiful place too. I loved Barcelona when I went on holiday a couple of years back but I'd love to visit again- I felt like I missed out on so much!
