

Contact me at: nibinquiel@gmail.com
Photography Portfolio: www.jennaopsahl.com 

Work: "The Witch's Hammer" for Lone Wolf Magazine
 "Desert Otherworld" for the The Paper Mixtape Magazine (x)
"Nina Roder" for Jungle Magazine (x)
"The Word 'Bitch'" for Into the Fold Magazine (x)
 "Santa Cruz" for Garrett Leight (x)
 "The Cinema Cathedral" for The Paper Mixtape Magazine (x)
 "Nerja" for Garrett Leight (x)


  1. LOL I never knew until now what your blog was named after! It always sounded vaguely familiar, and now that I know I can hear Johnny Depp's voice saying it in my head and it's such a relief to know why it was familiar!!! haha!!!

    Anyway, I came here looking for an email address, because I wanted to ask you some questions for my creative women feature :) I thought I'd do you first because I know you best out of the lot. So drop me a line when you have time!

    Holly xx

  2. can i just say that i absolutely love that you named your blog after scarlett and giselle! so funny. i can't even tell you how many times i've seen potc....

  3. Hello, I'm Valencia, the community manager of WhatIWear. I checked out your blog, and I think your style is awesome! It should be seen by more people! That's why I'd like to invite you to WhaIWear. With 1,5 million page views a month, WhatIWear is the leading street style website in Asia. Plus, we're still growing, so it's perfect for rising fashionistas to have their chance to SHINE at the spotlight. (www[dot]whatiwear[dot]com)

  4. haha - yes the name! Very creative x


  5. Scarlett and Giselle are on my baby name list, though mine are from Gone with the Wind and Enchanted ... I too believe in magic

  6. I like your weird blog! :p

