
Whiting Ranch

I want to explore more. 
My mom got me hiking boots for Christmas. I am so excited to go on more hikes.
This was one I took in Orange County with my boyfriend. The main trail led to another trail that led to Red Rock Canyon. It was insanely beautiful to see how water has formed these pathways through the rocks. 
I can't wait to go back and do a proper shoot there. These were all taken with an iPhone 5 and edited in VSCO. Again, my username on VSCO is Nibinquiel.


  1. Pretty place and pretty pictures. I love my hiking boots, they make me feel so good when I wear them.

  2. i think even i would go hiking more than once a year (if that..) if the scenery was like this! what a stunning place to explore. hope you get to wear your hiking boots often! xx

  3. Oh my gosh this place is so beautiful! I'll have to put this one on my bucket list too!
