

the importance of the river

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you pretty much know that any time anyone I love is home, I make them go to the river with me. So this fine Sunday was no different. Arianna and I went off to the river to find a secluded little pool for us to cool off in and talk about life. We talked about the importance of--as cliche as it sounds--"being yourself." It's a thing that is both incredibly hard and incredibly easy. It feels natural to sink into your passions and your beliefs, but you can lose sight of those things in the big bad world. Arianna and I have both transferred schools and taken some time off in between. We love to see new places but that sometimes can take a toll on our ability to hold onto what we know about ourselves. When you are in new environments, it's hard to take that necessary time to remind yourself of who you are and what you need. We are both still figuring out how to balance exploring the world and keeping the things that we hold dear deeply planted in our hearts. 

We came to the conclusion that fun needs to be had. We need to get out of our heads and do some things that make us feel present, on the earth, right in this moment. Life ain't nothing if you aren't laughing and feeling the cool mountain water flowing around you. I love the river for this reason. It all at once feels so monumental and so fleeting. Some of my happiest memories have been at the river and this one will join them. 


  1. how i wish i was floating down a river about now x

  2. these are beautiful. and seems like you had a beautiful little chat together as well:-) i hope i get to spend some time at a river this summer, those really can be the best of times! xx

  3. such beautiful photos. makes me want to spend some time at a river myself. <3

  4. these are so beautiful!! wowww

  5. Aw what a lovely post, the river looks beautiful as well - I'd love to visit there!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog
