
Inspiration: Bosch by Tim Walker

I'm currently working on my Honors Thesis at UCLA. It feels very intimidating not only because it's a 30 page research paper that I have to get an A on to pass, but also because I care deeply about the subject. I'm writing about women in the art of Hieronymus Bosch.  I found Bosch my freshman year of college in my first ever Art History class. I fell in love with the colors and the weird magic and the frightening worlds he created 500 years ago. Not much is known about Bosch and that is what makes him so fascinating to study. You can come up with all kinds of theories about him and no one can really tell you that you are wrong. 

For Love Magazine's S/S 2016 issue, Tim Walker (the photographic love of my life) interpreted the work of Hieronymus Bosch (the Northern Renaissance love of my life). It was a dream come true...I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw it. Tim Walker perfected captured the eerie feeling you get when you look at Bosch. With Valentino gowns and costumes by Shona Heath, this marvelous series was born. My only sadness is that I couldn't be there to witness it.

1 comment :

  1. Wooooow!!! I think I'm gunna try and find this issue.. so weird and wonderful!!
